Adakah kita akan berhadapan dengan
Tsunami-Evangelista dalam PRU-14?
Salam 2 all.
Saya terbaca tulisan dan analisa yang sangat menarik mengenai trend pengundi muda terutama dikalangan bukan Melayu dan pengaruh serta gerak kerja kumpulan yang dilabel sebagai evangelista DAP di https://helenang.wordpress.com/2014/11/29/umno-syok-sendiri-while-dap-sneaks-ahead/.
Analisa Helen Ang yang penuh dengan fakta dan statistik ini memberi satu mesej jelas - jentera DAP telah di 'kuasai' oleh kumpulan yang beliau label sebagai evangelista DAP dengan satu tekad - menumbangkan Kerajaan BN pimpinan UMNO!
Kumpulan yang dilabel evangelista DAP ini bekerja keras dan mengatur strategi dengan bijak, tersusun lagi berkesan - tidak seperti jentera muda UMNO/BN yang menurut Helen Ang masih dibuai dengan program syok-sendiri tanpa strategi politik yang jelas dan berkesan!
Helen Ang turut melontarkan satu soalan; adakah dengan mengadakan perhimpunan, joget lambak, pesta sana sini, bertwit, berFB siap dengan selfie akan boleh menterjemahkan generasi golongan muda ini kedalam bentuk undi kepada UMNO-BN dalam PRU-14 nanti?
Kalau menilai analisa Helen Ang ini, ianya menunjukkan usaha dan gerak-kerja kumpulan yang beliau label sebagai evangelista DAP sangat tersusun dan kita telah dapat melihat natijah dan hasilnya - penambahan pengundi muda di beberapa kawasan sasaran untuk mengundi DAP!
Hakikat ini, jika benar, adalah sangat menggerunkan - apatah lagi kepimpinan UMNO masih lagi dibuai dengan angan-angan pengundi Cina sudah kembali dan anak muda Gen-Y kini berbondong-bondong menyokong UMNO-BN!
Helen Ang memberi mesej jelas kepada kita - pengundi Cina tidak akan kembali, period!!!
Malahan pendedahan Helen Ang ini menimbulkan satu persoalan besar didalam pemikiran saya, apatah lagi apabila teringat kenyataan saudara Razali Rahman, bekas pakar strategi DAP yang mendedahkan bahawa ada segelintir kumpulan didalam DAP punya matlamat untuk menubuhkan sebuah Negara Kristian di Malaysia.
Samada pendedahan Razali itu benar atau tidak saya pun tidak pasti. Dan saya masih menunggu hasil siasatan pihak berkuasa berdasarkan lapuran yang telah dibuat untuk pengesahan.
Tetapi melihat kepada cara dan gerak-kerja kumpulan yang dilabel oleh Helen Ang sebagai evangelista DAP yang kini menguasai jentera parti Kitsiang-Guaneng itu, adakah kemungkinan besar kita akan berhadapan dengan satu tsunami evangelista dalam PRU-14 nanti?
Perlu saya tegaskan disini bahawa apa yang dilakukan oleh kumpulan yang dilabel oleh Helen Ang sebagai evangelista DAP dalam cubaan meraih undi bagi DAP untuk menumbangkan Kerajaan UMNO-BN adalah sah dan tidak salah dari segi undang-undang; malah ianya adalah hak demokrasi mereka berbuat sedemikian.
Apa yang salah dan perlu diperbetulkan ialah pendekatan UMNO-BN dalam menghadapi PRU-14 ini - terutamanya dalam memberi fokus keatas pengundi sasaran terutama golongan muda dan Gen-Y serta gerak-kerja pilihanraya supaya lebih kemas, mantap dan punya strategi dan KPI yang jelas.
Pada saya, UMNO perlu kembali kepada pengundi asas mereka, iaitu pengundi Melayu yang merupakan majoriti pengundi dengan merangka dasar dan perlaksanaan yang bersesuaian dengan aspirasi dan kehendak pengundi Melayu, tanpa mengenepikan, apatah lagi menganiaya dan menzalimi pengundi bukan Melayu.
Juga UMNO perlu memberi fokus kepada sistem first-past-the-post; iaitu mendapatkan majoriti daripada 222 kerusi Parlimen yang ada daripada sibuk untuk mengejar undi popular yang belum tentu boleh menentukan kemenangan untuk membentuk Kerajaan Persekutuan!
Setelah melalui apa yang disebut oleh Dato' Sri Najib sebagai tsunami-Cina dalam PRU-13 yang berjaya menghapuskan undi popular BN; maka apa yang didedahkan oleh Helen Ang adalah satu persoalan dan isu yang perlu diteliti dan dikaji selidik dengan mendalam dalam kita menghadapi PRU-14 sekitar tahun 2018 nanti, dengan kita umat Islam mengingatkan diri kita kepada amaran Allah dalam Surah Al-Baqarah 2:120:
"Sesungguhnya Yahudi dan Kristian tidak akan redho dengan kamu (umat Islam) selama-lamanya selagi kamu tidak mengikut millatahum - cara kehidupan mereka"!
Semoga Allah memberikan kita petunjuk, hidayah dan istiqomah dalam perjuangan memperkasa, memartabat dan mempertahankan Islam, Melayu dan tanah air kita insyallah.
Wallahua'lam dan wassalam.
Adios amigos, grasias senor.
Zulkifli Bin Noordin
09 Safar 1436
02 Disember 2014
(Petikan dengan izin daripada https://helenang.wordpress.com/2014/11/29/umno-syok-sendiri-while-dap-sneaks-ahead/. Sila layari laman ini untuk artikel penuh)*
The new wave to rock
the next general election will be the youths and the first-time voters – a
whole horde of them. And it’s the DAP that is capturing the young market.
Below are the MPs
from the evangelical party serving in the current Parliament. All these DAP
politicians became first-time YBs when only in their twenties and thirties. Some are going into their second-term in office.
Look at how young
their faces are. And they’re our honorable Members of Parliament.
DAP in Parliament
In their
20s and 30s
women – Teo Nie Ching was 27 years old when she was elected the DAP
Serdang MP. Alice Lau Kiong Yieng was 32 when she was
elected Lanang MP last year. Kasthuriraani, daughter of DAP legend P. Patto
(nepotism!), was 34 when she won the Batu Kawan Parliament seat.
The DAP men -
Ramkarpal Singh – another case of DAP dynastic nepotism – who inherited his
father’s Bukit Gelugor seat, is 38.
Party superstar Liew
Chin Tong, who garnered the highest votes in the CEC re-election (beating Lim
Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng for top spot), was 31 years old in 2008 when he was
parachuted into the Bukit Bendera seat in Penang.
In the 2013
election, Liew relocated back to his home state Johor and kicked Hou Kok Chung‘s ass in Kluang and put an end to
the Cabinet career of the MCA deputy higher education minister.
Her Royal
High profile Tony
Pua was a youthful 36 when he won the Petaling Jaya Utara Parliament seat back
in 2008. Nonetheless, in the short intervening years (similar to Our First Lady
Speaker piling on the weight – above), Pua has greyed at super speed and his
hair is now salt-and-pepper in colour.
Teo Kok Seong,
presently the DAPSY chief, is currently MP for Rasah after taking over the seat
from Anthony Loke who was 32 when he won Rasah in 2008. Coincidentally, Teo
also won Rasah at the age of 32.
What kind of YB is this new DAP breed?
Mengkibol Adun Tan
Hong Pin (pix below) joined evangelista Ong Kian Ming in fasting and #sahur-ing
during this year’s puasa month.
Tan goes to Malay
houses for sleepover and poses for photos wearing sarung when bersahur. But not
to worry, it’s still a long catch-up to Hannah Yeoh’s record-breaking feat of
wearing tudung and trotting to the masjid dan surau untuk buka puasa.
Regardless, their
chameleon antics signal to what length this species of young DAP politicians
will go in order to woo the Malay vote.
The evangelical Christian kind
These DAP new breed
politicians are clearly different from their predecessors. One of the most
distinguishing factors is their evangelical Christianity.
Julian Tan Kok Ping,
the DAP Stampin MP, got married in the City Harvest
He is a Utar
alumnus. The MCA university is mass producing DAP politicians.
(Side note:
Chong Zhemin, who is DAP Perak economic development bureau chief, was formerly
lecturing at Utar. We should be curious if he ever talked politics to his
They’re young and Christian
DAP Rahang Adun,
Mary Josephine Pritam Singh – the odd one out here who is not young – is a
Christian although Punjabis are most usually Sikh. DAP is full of Christians.
Notable DAP
Christian women YBs, besides the ballooning presence of Hannah Yeoh everywhere,
are Teresa Kok, Teo Nie Ching, Violet Yong and Yeo Bee Yin (pix, right),
the Damansara Utama Adun who is 31 this year.
The other thing,
aside from evangelical Christianity, is that many of the DAP wakil-wakil rakyat
are really young.
Johor Jaya Adun Liow Cai Tung - see Buah Kurma poster below – looks like she
could still be in school.
And below too are YB
Liow’s equally young-looking fellow Johor Aduns – YB Senai, Wong Shu Qi and YB
Tangkak, Ee Chin Li. There are really too many leng chai and leng
lui among the DAP’s total of 95 Aduns for me to feature all their photos.
However it is not
only for the state assemblies that the DAP is willing to wager young faces. The
party put up Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, who is 27, to contest the Teluk Intan
Parliament by-election earlier this year. Her opponent was Gerakan president
Mah Siew Keong, who is almost twice her age.
YB Liow
YB Wong
Publicity hounds
The thing about
DAP’s strategy to use young politicians is their savviness in exploiting modern
mass communication such as the social media – the same element that helped
Barack Obama to cross the finishing line first in the 2008 American
presidential election.
Hannah Yeoh, for
example, has already collected 99,700 twits. Her Twitter following will have
breached the 100k milestone once another 300 more J-Juice drinkers sign up.
With Instagram, the
DAP politikus roll off their photo ops – such as stirring an empty pot in the
surau during Ramadan – like sliced bread off the assembly line.
Kian Ming the jaguh #sahur was 38
when he made his Parliament debut!
Zumba, zumba,
The digital
technology is there, no doubt, but it is still up to how savvy the user is to
exploit it.
Khairy Jamaluddin is
big on Twitter due to his obsessive, selfie-fuelled pursuit of personal
popularity. But the question remains whether the KJ fan club comprises those
youngsters who are willing to pangkah Dacing at the end of the day or even to
make their way to the polling station.
KJ the
Dancing King
Playing smart – strategic and targetted voter registration
Remember that the
young Chinese are over-registered in proportion to their population numbers and
you can be sure that for GE14, they’re not going to be voting in the DAP urban
strongholds where their party has 30,000-vote majority. Instead these
first-time voters will be deployed to marginal suburban seats where victory or
defeat could be determined by 300 votes or less.
There’s no point in
registering more Chinese to vote in Seputeh where Teresa Kok can stroll …
blindfolded … to victory (her majority in GE13 was 51,552 votes). It shouldn’t
surprise us if some of her diehard supporters were to transfer their voting
address to another area.
Zumba is fun and the
Ice Bucket Challenge was hip but these do not translate into the sort of
ideological moorings that that anchor say, Pembina (Isma Youth).
The DAP use of
social media is very efficiently geared towards disseminating propaganda and
brainwashing the sheeple. Their Dapster army then proceed to carry out the plan
of action with unmatched hysteria and unhinged kiasuness.
Unfortunately we
cannot say the same for the effectiveness of Umno Youth’s hashtag #lifestyle
in canvassing the Malay ground.
Millions of new
voters in GE14
There were only 638,000 new Malaysian voters in the 2008 general election
(GE12) but the number had increased to 2.6 million by GE13 last
year, largely thanks to the hyperactivity of the DAP.
In 2009, more than
four in 10 Malaysians above age 21 had not yet registered as voters, according
to an
NST report that
year quoting Election Commission deputy chairman Wan Ahmad Wan Omar.
Taking advantage of
the BN tidak apa attitude, the DAP accelerated its voter registration drive,
and as a result leaving MCA and the rest of the DAP’s direct political rivals
to bite the dust.
Grabbing every chance they get
DAP supporters even
took the opportunity of their 21st birthday parties to register their
children’s friends and peers as new voters – see @hannahyeoh tweet below.
And then there were
the voter registration exercises carried out in the churches, an institution
that is a pillar of strength for the evangelical party. Hannah Yeoh’s Personal
Assistant, evangelista Rajiv Rishyakaran, personally oversaw some such efforts
in the City Harvest Church.
It is no wonder then
that the electorate numbers in Hannah’s constituency spiked to 61,688 voters
for GE13, up from 44,569 during GE12.
In the span of one
term (between 2008 and 2013), Subang Jaya saw an increase of 17,119
voters – thanks in large part to the aggressive promotion of
and by the DAP incumbent. In comparison, when Subang Jaya was an MCA ward, the
constituency only saw an increase of 5,963 voters
between 2004 and 2008, and 5,918 voters
between 1999 and 2004.
The difference in
the tremendous effort put in by the DAP is a great contrast to the complacency
of coma patient MCA.
Chinese support for BN will hit rock bottom by GE14
The Election
Commission has said that 70 percent of the 4.2 million unregistered voters at
end-2011 were aged between 21 to 40. The EC also projected that an average
450,000 Malaysians turn 21 each year.
It is well nigh
impossible for BN to reach the Chinese community anymore. The means of
communication is broken due to language barrier. Only one percent of Utusan
Malaysia readers are Chinese and I’m willing to bet many of them are Cina
mualaf or “Cina murtad”.
Only two percent of Nanyang
Siang Pau readers are Malay, which come to think of it is actually a
better ratio than the one percent Chinese Utusan readers as after all,
BM is our national language.
Gunting dalam Lipatan backstabbed the BN
What the newspaper
circulation data indicates is that Chinese do not touch casual Malay reading
material (unless forced to for exam purposes) and Malays generally do not
access Chinese media.
There is very little cross-ethnic communication between
the two communities through the Malay and Chinese languages.
We can extend this
finding to other media conduits besides newspapers. Malays would not be
commenting in the Chinese chat forums and nor would Chinese be reading the Malay
The only overlap
between the races occurs in the English language media. The J-Star –
pie chart below – has a quarter of its readership from the Malay community.
Analyse results,
not MCA’s fairy claims
Half of The
J-Star readers are Chinese. Yet 90 percent of Chinese voters rejected the
Looking at the
electoral outcome, i.e. how MCA controls the country’s most influential media
empire but the EvangeliSTAR audience scoff at the BN, it becomes most obvious
that the MCA-owned media must have been subversively promoting the opposition
How else to explain
why the BN message failed to be conveyed when the J-Star conglomerate
has its tentacles reaching such a vast audience? There is the main print
readership, J-Star online and J-Star magazine readers, J-Star
Internet TV viewers and J-Star’s many radio channels listeners.
J-Star tail
wagging the MCA dog
Furthermore, the
EvangeliSTAR conducts many and various corporate-social programmes and most
recently, the paper is taking its anti-racism campaign into the colleges and
universities. The MCA-owned media does all of this (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)
but the Chinese and youth choose to vote the opposition? It does not compute.
MCA must think Umno
is stupid. Could MCA be right?
If the BN had
received 10 percent support from the Chinese electorate in GE13, the ruling
party should consider itself lucky to get five percent in GE14. This is due to
the demographic push.
Below are the
typical Chinese BN supporters. They are getting rarer by the day as Malaysia is a
young country with a fast-growing youth population.
MCA has irrevocably
given up the ghost. Only Umno wants to flog the dead horse.
* Penyiaran semula petikan daripada artikel ini adalah dengan izin tetapi tertakluk kepada notis bahawa ianya adalah pandangan peribadi penulis Helen Ang sendiri dan tidak mewakili pandangan atau pendapat saya! Pembaca disaran membuat kajian, analisa dan rumusan sendiri berdasarkan apa yang dilontarkan penulis artikel ini!