(Gereja Sidang Jemaat ALLAH-adakah ia akan muncul dibumi Malaysia?)
Salam 2 all.
Dibawah adalah lapuran daripada lamanweb www.mole.my yang sekali lagi mengulangi kegiatan kristianisasi yang semakin ketara akhir-akhir ini.
Malangnya ada dikalangan orang Melayu-Tanggang, termasuk yang mengaku pejuang Islam menganggap isu kristianisasi dan pemurtadan sebagai remeh. Sambil memperbetulkan serban yang meleret dan menyapu janggut yang sejemput, ada yang sampai buat kenyataan, "Putrajaya lebih penting. Dapat undi dan menang PRU 13 lebih penting daripada soal aqidah yang remeh ini!".
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Maka teman tidak hairan apabila Nor Azman @ Beginda, calon PRU 12 Sarawak mewakili PKR, yang juga saksi Anwar Ibrahim dalam kes liwatnya, terbongkar cerita rupanya dia dah murtad dan keluar daripada Islam (terbongkar semasa kes anaknya membawa sosej babi di Sarawak terdedah dahulu), langsung tidak ada reaksi daripada para parasit dan mereka yang bersekongkol dengan cauvinis berotak kominis ni!
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Kisah murtad Azman @ Beginda ni teman yang dedahkan dalam Parlimen, mike boleh layari hansard Parlimen untuk keterangan lanjut.
Malah teman lebih tidak hairan bila meletusnya isu cubaan kristianisasi yang disyaki dilakukan oleh Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama (DUMC), para parasit menjadi orang pertama mempertahankan pihak gereja itu! Walaupun terbukti gereja tersebut didirikan tanpa kelulusan! Walaupun terbukti secara rekod dan dokumen ada kegiatan kristianisasi!
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Malah apabila beberapa orang Melayu yang terlibat mengaku secara terbuka dan divideokan pengakuan mereka mengenai cubaan memurtadkan orang Melayu termasuk mereka sendiri, pendedahan video itu dipandang sepi! Malah ada parasit yang mencabar video tersebut, dengan kenyataan "video pendedahan kristianisasi dan pemurtadan ini tidak penting! Yang penting undi! Yang penting menang pilihanraya"!
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Hinggakan apabila umat Islam mengadakan perhimunan aman HIMPUN di Stadium Shah Alam untuk menyatakan bantahan dan memperkukuhkan solidariti dan ukhwah umat berdepan dengan gejala murtad dan kristianisasi ini, umat Islam diperlekehkan oleh kaum parasit ini. Sedangkan apabila kafir harbi mengadakan rusuhan haram diketuai oleh penentang Islam, kaum parasit bukak kancing tahan dada bermakmumkan kafir harbi ni semata-mata kerana gila kuasa mabuk nak ke Putrajaya.
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Himpunan aman dengan umat Islam mempertahan aqidah dilarang, rusuhan haram dengan kafir harbi demi politik dimakmumkan tanpa soal!
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Hinggakan titah Tuanku Sultan Selangor dalam isu pemurtadan, pendakyahan dan gerakan kristianisasi DUMC ini diperlekehkan dan dipertikaikan!
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Kemuncaknya Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri Selangor merangkap Exco Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Selangor, YB Datuk Dr. Hasan Ali yang mengetuai HIMPUN, dan yang mempertahankan tindakan JAIS menyiasat Gereja DUMC dalam kegiatan pendakyahan, pemurtadan dan kristianisasi akhirnya dipecat!
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Akhirnya ALLAH menjauhkan dan mencabut amanah menjaga hal ehwal Islam daripada mereka; masih lagi para parasit ini "mempertuhankan" kerusi dan menjadi kaum yang pekak, bisu dan buta!
Na'uzubillah min zalik!
Kita boleh berpolitik! Kita boleh berparti! Kita boleh berbeza pendapat!
Tetapi didalam soal aqidah, kita tidak patut berkompromi! Dalam hal murtad, kita wajib bersatu! Dalam hal kristianisasi dan serangan aqidah terhadap umat Islam, kita wajib bersama!
Satu Tuhan; Satu Nabi; Satu Kitab; Satu Qiblat; Satu Aqidah - kita wajib menjadi Satu Umat!
Sebab itu teman ulangi banyak kali ungkapan 'na'uzubillah min zalik! Apa maksudnya? Maksudnya ialah supaya ALLAH menjauhkan kita daripada fitnah ini! Supaya ALLAH jauhkan kita daripada kumpulan parasit ini! Supaya ALLAH jauhkan kita daripada gejala murtad ini! Supaya ALLAH jauhkan kita daripada pendakyahan kristianisasi ini!
Sebab itu na'uzubillah min zalik! Jauhkanlah diri mike daripada kaum yang sedang menjauhkan diri mereka daripada Islam, dan umat Islam! Jauhkanlah diri mike daripada kaum yang lebih gemar menghampiri kafir harbi, dan mempersaudarakan diri mereka dengan kafir harbi ini! Amin!
Cegahlah kemungkaran ini! Hentikan mereka dengan berhenti menyokong, dan mengundi mereka!
Cegahlah kemungkaran ini! Hentikan mereka dengan berhenti menyokong, dan mengundi mereka!
Yang baik datangnya daripada ALLAH, yang tidak daripada teman sendiri!
Wallahua'lam & Wassalam.
Zulkifli Bin Noordin
19 Muharram 1434
03 Disember 2012
(Daripada laman web www.mole.my)Pas ulama concerned over foreign reports of more Malay Chistians
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Zulkifli says CBN report further affirms on efforts
to convert Malay Muslims to Christianity
(Graphic by Dayang Norazhar/
The Mole)
Dewan Ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib said the Government and religious
authorities cannot take a report by US-based Christian Broadcasting
Network (CBN), if its report that there are increasing number of Malay
Christians is true.
Harun said:
“It’s not fair for me to comment whether there is indeed an increase of
Malay Christians, but the Government should control this matter to
avoid having more apostate Malays.”
“When it
comes to Muslims’ aqidah (faith), we should not see this issue from a
political perspective but rather take an in-depth approach to solve it.”
independent MP Datuk Zulkifli Noordin says the CBN report on the
increase of Malay Christians in the country only re-affirms views that
there is a systematic proselytisation effort to turn Malays into
Zulkifli told The Mole the video
report by CBN has proven that there is a systematic strategy done to
not only get Malays to leave Islam, but also to destroy the Malay race.
“What was shown confirmed what I
have always said, that there is an effort to convert Malays to
Christianity. If prior to this the activity was done discreetly, now
they are bold enough to do it publicly,” the Kulim-Bandar Baru MP said.
Zulkifli said various approaches
have been done before, including direct involvement of churches in
supporting opposition political parties.
“To me these people are not only
disrespecting the religion, but they have also shown disrespect to the
Federal Constitution and the state law which forbids people from
spreading their religious propaganda among Malay Muslims,” he added.
Last month Zulkifli revealed in
Dewan Rakyat that a prayer function held in Penang, DAP leaders
together with local and foreign clergymen, have prayed to turn Malaysia
into a Christian state.
Zulkifli said the Malay race will
indirectly be destroyed because to be a Malay a person has to be Muslim
as defined in the Federal Constitution.
Zulkifli further said: “That is the
reason why I disagree with Nurul Izzah's statement on religious freedom
for Malays. If religious freedom is allowed, we are destroying the
fundamental rights of the Malays as accorded in the Federal
Last week Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar filed a suit against Utusan Malaysia, saying her alleged statement on religious freedom for Malays was twisted.
Nurul Izzah received a lot of flak
following her statement in a public forum earlier this month that
religious freedom should also apply on the Malays.
She was quoted by Malaysiakini as saying that people should not be compelled to adopt a particular religion and that this should also apply to Malays.
Zulkifli said the Malay race will indirectly be destroyed because to be a Malay a person has to be Muslim as defined in the Federal Constitution.
Zulkifli further said: “That is the
reason why I disagree with Nurul Izzah's statement on religious freedom
for Malays. If religious freedom is allowed, we are destroying the
fundamental rights of the Malays as accorded in the Federal
Last week Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar filed a suit against Utusan Malaysia, saying her alleged statement on religious freedom for Malays was twisted.
Nurul Izzah received a lot of flak
following her statement in a public forum earlier this month that
religious freedom should also apply on the Malays.
She was quoted by Malaysiakini as saying that people should not be compelled to adopt a particular religion and that this should also apply to Malays.
Jati president Datuk Hasan Ali urged the authorities to act and monitor the proselytisation movement.
He stated ,"Muslims’ growing concerns should not be taken lightly."
“When we raise this matter, we know people who support this activity will not admit to it.”
“We have proof and we don’t talk
about this for political mileage. I will not lie on matters about
Islam,” the Gombak Setia state assemblyman said.
Pertubuhan Muafakat Sejahtera
Masyarakat Malaysia (MUAFAKAT) secretary general Abdul Karim Omar in
commenting on the CBN report said:
“People must realise that there are
conversion attempts done in the country. When Muafakat and other Muslim
leaders raised this issue in seminars, some politicians have disparaged
it and described it as bad political agenda.”
“What is political when all we want is to preserve the faith of Muslims and to protect our Federal Constitution?” he asked.
“Firstly the video itself was done
in bad faith. To show that we are oppressive against Malays who want to
convert to Christianity is malicious and untrue. The center was not
located in the jungle as shown, it is actually easily accessible,” Abdul
Karim added.
"The video
was done with malicious intent, purposely portraying us as abusive,
when all we're trying to do is to safeguard the "akidah" of Malay
Muslims," explained Abdul Karim.
Blogger Helen Ang who first wrote on
the issue asked whether any religious department will determine who is
telling lies in the issue of Christianisation as many Malays, including
Malay newspaper Utusan Malaysia have been accused of slander due to it.
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