Salam 2 all.
Saya menyokong penuh kenyataan YB Wee Choo Keong (PKR-Wangsa Naju) dan YB Manicka (PKR-Kapar) berkaitan skandal rasuah dan salahguna kuasa dalam syarikat Kerajaan Selangor Kumpulan Semesta Sdn. Bhd. (KSSB), yang mendakwa ada 'cover up' oleh pihak tertentu untuk menutup skandal itu (sila lihat kenyataan mereka dibawah).
Syarikat KSSB adalah syarikat yang ditubuhkan oleh Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor dan diberikan hak ekslusif memonopoli lesen pengorekan dan penjualan pasir didalam negeri Selangor. Konon ceritanya ini dilakukan untuk mengelak daripada unsur kegiatan pengorekan pasir secara haram dan mencegah gejala rasuah dan salahguna kuasa yang kononnya berlaku sebelum ini.
Tapi nampak gayanya cerita sudah terbalik. KSSB nampak gaya dah menjadi lub ok untuk memboncitkan kantung oleh beberapa golongan tertentu. Dan ini didedahkan bukan oleh orang lain, tetapi oleh wakil rakyat PKR sendiri.
Dan apa respon daripada PKR. YAB MB Selangor suruh YB Manicka pi buat repot kalau dia nak. Gobalakrishnan (PKR Padang Serai) suruh YB Manicka letak jawatan. YB Wee Choo Keong tanya mana pegi suara Kit Siang yang asyik melalak tuntut Suruhanjaya DiRaja kalau ada dakwaan terhadap orang lain, tiba-tiba senyap membisu macam kucing tidor?! Mana hilangnya suara budak-budak ingusan dan pak-pak janggoat yang pantang lepa orang lain buat silap sikit, dia punya melalak sampai kering kerongkong!
Inilah dia yang saya label sebagai "Politik Dualam"-politik dua alam, politik double standard. Kalau orang lain, dia punya memekak sampai cair taik telinga dibuatnay. Tapi bila kena batang hidung sendiri, mulalah melatah ini konspirasi itu komplot jahat. Tapi ni wakil rakyat hang sendiri yop yang mendedahkannya!!
Oleh itu, saya mendesak supaya ditubuhkan Suruhanjaya DiRaja untuk menyiasat skandal tersebut. Ini kerana skandal ini bukan sahaja dikatakan membabitkan beberapa Exco Kerajaan Negeri, tetapi melibatkan keselamatan dan maruah negara. Kita mahu tahu benarkah dakwaan menyatakan pasir tersebut diseludup kesebuah negara jiran?
Saya mendesak supaya YAB Menteri Besar Selangor supaya segera meletak jawatn kerana ternyata beliau gagal menangani skandal ini dengan secara yang sepatutnya. Ini kerana mengikut maklumat YB Wee dan YB Manicka, beliau sudah mengetahui atau sepatutnya mengetahui mengenai skandal ini sejak Februari lepas namun tidak mengambil apa-apa tindakan yang konkrit.
Saya juga mendesak supaya pihak polis segera menyiasat dan mengenal pasti ahli Exco yang dan kepimpinan Negeri Selangor yang terlibat dalam skandal yang didakwa oleh YB Wee sebagai membabitkan puluhan juta ringgit. Saya menuntut supaya ahli-ahli Exco dan kepimpinan negeri tersebut meletak jawatan untuk membolehkan siasatan dijalankan dengan lebih telus dan segera oleh pihak berkuasa.
Diwaktu yang sama, jika kelak didapati mereka yang terlibat telah memperkayakan diri melalui hasil haram ini, saya mendesak pihak berkuasa supaya membekukan aset dan harta mereka dan memohon untuk aset dan harta tersebut dirampas dan hasilnya dikembalikan untuk kebajikan dan kepentingan rakyat Selangor terutama golongan miskin dan tidak berkeupayaan.
Saya juga menyeru kepada YB Wee Choo Keong dan YB Manicka serta Ahli Parlimen PKR serta Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri PKR yang lain supaya keluar daripada Pakatan Rakyat dan menjadi wakil rakyat bebas. Sudah jelas sekarang bahawa suara mereka sudah tidak laku didalam parti. Mereka sepatutnya sedar bahawa suara mereka sebenarnya dipandang remeh dalam PKR. Yang berkuasa dan menentukan arahtuju PKR sekarang adalah Firan-Firaun Kecil yang sudah berjaya meng"hijack" PKR. Saudara/i sedarlah, gerakan dan agenda reformasi yang cuba kita perjuiangkan dahulu melalui PKR sudah mati.
Kalau benar saudara/i mempunyai maruah dan prinsip perjuangan, saya cabar saudara/i supaya segera keluar daripada PKR dan menjadi WARAS-Wakil Rakyat Bebas. Marilah kita bergabung meneruskan agenda perjuangan reformasi yang tulin sebagaimana yang diharapkan oleh rakyat dan negara. PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat adalah parti yang telah di"hijack" oleh golongan Firaun-Firaun Kecil yang hanya berminat untuk melaksanakan agenda sempit mereka yang akan menjahanamkan negara yang kita cintai ini. Berhijrahlah untuk reformasi, bersama kita memartabatkan suara dan hak rakyat Malaysia.
Zulkifli Bin Noordin
29 JamadilAwal 1431
13 Mei 2010
(Petikan daripada lapuran mukadepan akhbar MalayMail yang diterbitkan petang tadi Khamis 13 Mei 2010)
Wangsa Maju MP says that Khalid knew of graft claims in February but didn't act
Joseph Kaos Jr
Thursday, May 13th, 2010 14:20:00
PETALING JAYA: Wangsa Maju Member of Parliament Wee Choo Keong has come out with guns blazing, accusing Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim of "mishandling" the alleged corruption in State owned sand-mining company Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd.

Wee, who put up a scathing posting on the issue on his blog, http://weechookeong.wordpress. com, told The Malay Mail this morning that he was "far from happy with the way Khalid is handling the issue".
"It raises suspicions of corruption in the State administered by Abdul Khalid. It's a big cover-up on his side."
Wee, who was among the 12 Parti Keadilan Rakyat MPs to come out in support of Kapar MP S. Manikavasagam’s stand on the issue, said the MB had known of the allegations earlier in February but did not act on them.
It is learnt that the complainants met DAP Puchong MP Gobind Sing Deo after which he brought the matter to State executive councillor for local government and research, Ronnie Liu.
Last Saturday, Manikavasagam made the exposure after several people complained to him about the allegations in his capacity as PKR's public complaints head.
The MP then gave an ultimatum to the MB to form an independent commission to investigate the alleged graft and sack those involved.
Wee: Suspicions of corruption raised in the State administered by Khalid
Wee said: "Since a State exco member had come to know about the matter in February, why was the State government’s Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) not ordered to investigate it.
"Why didn't the MB order Selcat to look into the allegations then? The fact that they have known about the matter for the past three months, why didn't they practise their CAT (Competency, Accountability and Transparency) principles?"
On his blog, Wee said that he was told two high-ranking elected representatives in the State government and several Kumpulan Semesta officials were involved in the scandal involving many millions of ringgit belonging to the people.
He also claimed that instead of setting up an independent body to investigate the allegations, the MB openly challenged Manikavasagam to name the culprits and lodge a police report.
Wee told The Malay Mail that Selcat is a "dead cat in coats" as it is just another organisation under the State government. "The CAT principle has been used to attack others, and this time, it has backfired and hit them right in the face."
Wee also attacked DAP national chairman Lim Kit Siang for his outspoken and constant demands for Royal Commissions to be set up to investigate scandals.
"In this case, there was no move or more screams by YB Lim Kit Siang over the matter."
Meanwhile, Manikavasagam said he was not afraid if Kumpulan Semesta wanted to sue him over his claims.
"The evidence came from people working with the company," said Manikavasagam.
"But if anyone wants to sue me, then do so. I'm not afraid. I'm a fighter."
Manikavasagam had received evidence and a statuary declaration from company insiders, who were not happy with the alleged rampant corrupt activities in Semesta.
The evidence had implicated three top ranking officials in the company.
Manikavasagam said he was surprised to find out Selcat would be investigating his claims. He said during his closed-door meeting with Abdul Khalid, he was made to understand that a Selcat spin-off panel would probe his allegations, and not Selcat itself, which is headed by State Assembly Speaker Teng Chang Khim.
"The MB told me that a subcommittee of Selcat will be investigating. That was how I understood it," said Manikavasagam.
"I only knew it actually is Selcat after reading the news which bore the MB's statement."
Manikavasagam and the 11 MPs who backed him had pushed for an independent panel to look into the KSSB corruption claims and specified that it should not be Selcat, as the panel consists of State assemblymen.
"But as a lawmaker, I understand the law and I don't want to make the situation more difficult. We had wanted to push for an independent panel, but I think Selcat is just as committed in combating corruption.
"We had wanted it to be an independent panel, made up of Pakatan MPs. We had proposed Indera Mahkota MP Azan Ismail to head the panel if it is formed."
Khalid told a Press conference yesterday that the panel's independence was guaranteed, as none of the State assemblymen in it held exco posts, and the findings in the Selcat hearings are made public.
The MB also added that he urged Manikavasagam to lodge a police report so that there would be two sides — the police and Selcat — who will probe the case.
Manikavasagam also said he was visited by MACC officers yesterday, and had a brief statement taken from him.
"They only took a three or four-liner statement based on the police report I made," said Manikavasagam, who had previously expressed his dislike on the idea of MACC investigating the issue due to a brush with them over the unsolved Kampung Perepat land grab issue.