06 March 2010


Salam 2 all.

Saya lampirkan lapuran daripada Malaysian Insider berkenaan pandangan saya bahawa tindak-tanduk yang di ambil oleh beberapa kerat Fir'aun-Fir'aun Kecil didalam PKR terhadap saya dalam mempertahankan aqidah, syariat dan umat Islam didalam negara ini dengan mempergunakan satu non-Muslim Lembaga Disiplin adalah satu pengkhianatan besar dan kemungkaran terhadap Islam yang perlu dicegah.

Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi Pusat (MPP) PKR yang dipanggil bermesyuarat secara tergesa-gesa esok akan menentu dan memutuskan masadepan saya didalam politik PKR. Apa yang jelas keputusan untuk memecat saya sudah pun dibuat oleh Fir'aun-Fir'aun Kecil yang menguasai kepimpinan PKR. Pada saya mesyuarat MPT esok hanyalah sebagai satu wayang untuk menghalalkan pemecatan saya yang sudahpun diputuskan.

Saperti yang saya selalu sebut, kalau itu harga yang perlu saya bayar untuk mempertahan dan membela kedudukan Islam dan maruah umat Islam, maka saya redho menerimanya. Moga ALLAH memberikan kekuatan istiqomah dan keimanan sebenar kepada kita semua.

Amin & wassalam.

Zulkifli Bin Noordin
20 Rabi'ul Awal 1431
06 Mac 2010

(Petikan daripada Malaysian Insider bertarikh 05.03.2010)

Zul Noordin warns party against ‘act of betrayal’

By Clara Chooi

KUALA LUMPUR, March 5 — Maverick PKR MP Zulkifli Noordin (picture) said today that he would consider any disciplinary action against him an act of betrayal, even as he continued to maintain he does not intend to leave the party.

Zulkifli told The Malaysian Insider today he was going through a very tough time but the idea of defecting had not crossed his mind. “But even in the face of all this turmoil, with the others defecting, I have stayed on. And I have said nothing to indicate that I want to leave. I have been the most loyal, the most consistent of them all. I have stood my ground and said that I want to fight this out, that I will not leave,” he said.

Zulkifli is facing disciplinary action for infringing a party gag order and lodging a police report against Shah Alam PAS MP Khalid Samad over the recent “Allah” controversy.

His request for an all-Muslim panel was rejected by the disciplinary committee, and he walked out of a hearing this week because there were non-Muslims on the panel.

The party has said that the reason for the hearing was over his act of ignoring a party order and not for his stand in the “Allah” issue. Party officials say the religious composition of the disciplinary board was irrelevant to the charges faced by Zulkifli.

Zulkifli told The Malaysian Insider today that that his breaking point would be if the party’s supreme council endorses any recommendations to punish him from the disciplinary board

“That would be my breaking point. I have been very patient. I have been very consistent. I have stood by (party de facto leader Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim and have been his loyalist from the start. I stood my ground, I went to prison under the Internal Security Act with him. But if they proceed with this, then they have betrayed me and they have betrayed the Muslims,” he said.

Zulkifli said that despite this, he had no plans to appeal for help from Anwar. “Why should I? I do not want it to be seen as though I sought for guidance and then people will say that Anwar had interfered in the party’s disciplinary process. I do not want to put him in a difficult spot so no, I will fight this on my own,” he said.

Zulkifli also questioned the reason given by party president Datin Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail on why his request for an all-Muslim panel was rejected. Wan Azizah had explained yesterday that the rejection was because Zulkifli’s case was a disciplinary matter and not about his stand on the “Allah” controversy.

“I find it surprising that they are blinded by their own charge. The show cause letter states that I had breached a party policy for lodging a report against Khalid over the issue of kalimah Allah.

“I do not doubt this is a disciplinary process but the disciplinary proceeding must be held over an issue and the issue here is lodging a report over the issue of kalimah Allah. You cannot separate the two,” he explained. He added that to defend himself and explain his actions, he would have to bring up the reason why he had breached the party’s gag order in the first place.

“This means that I have to explain my stand in the kalimah Allah issue. I have to justify my actions and they have to punish me based on whether they feel my actions are justifiable. “However, if the panellists are non-Muslims, then how would they be able to understand my reasons,” he said.

When he appeared before the panel on Monday, Zulkifli had said he was shocked to see that it comprised two Christian activists, one Hindu and only one Muslim. “I am not questioning their credibility or insulting their religious beliefs. I am only saying that it would only be appropriate for a Muslim to be passing judgement in this case.

“Similarly, even if I were asked to, I would refuse to pass judgment in a case that involves an understanding of Christianity or Hinduism,” he said.

Zulkifli compared his case to that of Anwar’s Sodomy II trial when the latter applied to the High Court to compel Judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah to recuse himself on grounds that he had been biased in his rulings regarding newspaper reports and a photograph published in a Malay daily on the case. “It is the same here. I just want a fair trial. Anwar has been going around all over the world, crying for justice but yet here he is, not even giving justice to a fellow party member. I want them to walk the talk,” he said.

Despite his disappointment with the party however, Zulkifli insisted that he still had faith in his leaders.

As such, he would not commit for now whether or not he would leave the party. “I will give them the benefit of the doubt. I do not know what recommendations the board is making to the supreme council. I do not want to jump the gun and assume that they are recommending my punishment. “You never know, maybe they are recommending to recuse themselves from hearing the case so that they can be replaced with an all-Muslim panel,” he said.


Mohd Efizan said...

Semoga allah memberi kekuatan kepada pejuang2 islam sejati...

Nasrul said...

Assalamualaikum Saudara Zulkifli

Saya sebagai penyokong islam dan demokrasi yang hina dengan merendah diri meminta saudara Zulkifli supaya bersabar sebagai seorang pejuang dan jangan mengambil tindakan yang boleh menguatkan UMNO dan BN hanya kerana isu "perkataan Allah" yang Ulama seperti Qaradawi mengatakan tiada masalah.Saya tidak mengatakan bahawa saudara hendaklah mengorbankan prinsip saudara tetapi demi kesihatan islam dan demokrasi di malaysia, saudara hendaklah istiqamah berjuang dalam PKR kerane kita memerlukan personality seperti saudara untuk mengimbang kewujudan nasionalis dan liberal barat di dalam PKR. Tiada ape perubahan yang boleh dilakukan kalau saudara keluar dari PKR selain kebobrokan UMNO untuk terus berterusan.

PS: Tetapi, kalau DAP atau PKR menghancurkan masjid atau membakar Al-Quran, silalah keluar dari Pakatan Rakyat.

rahimshah said...

Insya Allah Yb, Pertolongan Allah pasti sampai... Bersangka baik dgn Allah.... Teruskan Usaha YB... Saya turut mendoakan YB.. Cuma saya pohon apa yg terjadi selepas ini jgan pulak yb menyatakan sokongan ke Puak2 UMNO.. yakinlah YB walaupun YB tidak berparti sokongan terhadap YB pasti ada..

anakwatan said...

Alhamdulillah kalau benar saudara dipecat atau keluar parti,saya rasa amat bersyukur kehadrat ALLAH S.W.T kerana mungkin doa2 oleh orang2 mukmin dimakbulkan ALLAH.Moga tak akan ada lagi Abdullah Bin Ubai Bin Sahlul Bin Bahlul yg ada dalam Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU 13 yang akan datang.Selagi YB boleh putaq alam teruskan lah niat dan cita2 YB demi tembolok YB kot2 habuan lebih besaq yg dapat mgkin dapat motor yg lebih besaq dari yg dok ada la ni.Bye...Bye.....sayonara..pengkhianat.

Edwin said...

YB Zul,

Kamu telah menyamakan diri kamu dengan Islam. Siapa yang menentang kamu, bermakna mereka menentang Islam. Sapa yang menyokong kamu, bermakna mereka mempertahankan Islam. Zul = Islam....same level.

anakwatan said...

kalau betoi hang nak pertahankan islam bukan setakat kalimah ALLAH yg patut dipertahankan, banyak lagi perkara2 lain yang perlu diperhatikan,cuba kita perhatikan akhlak anak2 bangsa melayu dimalaysia la ni, adakah mereka menjadi murtad, berperangai lebih kafir dari org kafir,minum arak,dadah,dedah aurat,pergaulan bebas,sek bebas,artis2 bertelanjang di TV,program lucah,rancangan realiti yg mengaibkan,cerita2 hantu tahyul di TV,aurat isteri2 pemimpin,pusat2 judi yg bersepah yg halal dan haram( bg kerajaan UMNO),berbunuhan antara satu sama lain demi harta,pangkat dan kuasa dan byk lagi kalau saya nak persembahkan kepada YB. adakah segala kejadian ini adalah disebabkan penggunaan kalimah ALLAH oleh org kristian, apakah selama ni org2 nasrani yg telah secara terus merosakan aqidah umat islam dimalaysia? bagi saya segala kesalahan ini yg letakkan pada pemerintah yg mempunyai kuasa mentadbir,kepada ibubapa yg bertanggungjawab,kepada masyarakat yg ada hak utk menegur dan kepada individu itu sendiri.tapi RASUAH lah penyebab segala punca semua ini kerana pemerintah dan penguatkuasa boleh dibeli dgn wang ringgit,majoriti kaum yg memerintah adalah org melayu tapi apa yang dah jadi selama 50 tahun UMNO memerintah? cuba renungkan sejenak jgn asyik nak tuding jari pada bangsa lain dan kambing hitamkan mereka.ISLAM itu syumul dan mudah janganlah kamu susahkan nya.jadi apa yang saya simpulkan disini bukannya penggunaan kalimah ALLAH itu penyebab atau punca segala keruntuhan akhlak dan moral org islam, tapi ia adalah kerana sikap pemimpin2 dan individu. org islam itu sendiri yg mempunyai kuasa tapi gagal melaksanakan amanah ALLAH.fikirknlah sejenak jika kita benar2 sayang islam dan anak bangsa kita.insaflah YB sebab banyak perkara yg lebih penting yang patut YB pertahankan bukan sekadar kalimah ALLAH.

Unknown said...

Isu kalimah ALLAH ini ditimbulkan oleh umno dan ternyata berhasil menimbulkan pertelagahan bodoh dokalangan ahli pas dan pkr yg beragama Islam...
Malang sekali..
mereke yg terkena tempias kerja jahat umno ni...
lagu mana nak jadi pemimpin yg berwibawa sekiranya masalah sebegini pun melalut entah kemana...?
Bagaimana dgn rakyat yg diwakili...
adakah terbela nasib mereka...?